July 2021

VOlUME 04 ISSUE 07 JULY 2021
The Application of Reality Therapy Group Counseling to Overcome Behavior Self- Esteem Low on Commercial Sex Workers (PSK)
1Anastasia Sri Maryatmi, 2Susan Rahmayani
1Program Study Masters Psychology Professional (PSMPP)
2Persada Indonesia University YAI Jakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v4-i7-48

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One of the problems of the Indonesian nation that is difficult to overcome is the rise of commercial sex workers (CSWs). The increasing number of prostitutes is due to economic pressures so that they cannot bear the costs of living, which are currently all too expensive. The difficulty of getting a job made them finally forced to do this job which society considered despicable. The negative label and rejection given by the community to CSWs, cause CSWs to be unable to carry out their social functions properly. The method used is interactive support and feedback in an here and now (here and now) frame of mind. Group counseling, sometimes known as interpersonal problem-solving groups, attempts to help group participants solve common, but often difficult, lives through interpersonal support and problem solving. Another objective is to help participants develop existing skills in solving interpersonal problems so that they will be better able to deal with problems that arise in the future. The data obtained by interview, observation and psychological tests. The data analysis method uses the results of the intervention and determines suitable interventions based on the results of the assessment and evaluation procedures in the assessment process.


Group Counseling, Reality Therapy, Self-Esteem Behavior Low.


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VOlUME 04 ISSUE 07 JULY 2021

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